Monday, August 6, 2012

Rocaro Fitness Club

We work out! Outside.

We had an old brick walkway along the side of the house that was in dire need of repair. Not being one to leave things alone, and well we did have helpers here, so we decided to remove the bricks.

Ok, so what do we do with the bricks? We had been discussing the possibility of getting rid of the "decorative" (read frog pond) in the back garden, so it was really only logical to empty the pond of water and fill it with the bricks.

So far so good. Under the brick walkway we discovered a thick layer of sand. After a couple of days of tracking sand into the house non-stop it was decided that "Something Must Be Done..."

We called the local gravel guy and were advised that the best solution for a walkway would be crusher dust. Once in place and hosed down it would become as hard as concrete. Sounds good to us, ho w much do we need? Apparently we need eight tons!!!!! to be delivered on Monday morning.

Monday morning the truck arrives at 7:30 - good thing as we need the day to move this stuff.

Eight tons appears to be less than we thought, should have this finished up by noon. It was a cool and comfortable 28c, a nice change from the blistering temperatures we have been having. Perfect for working in.

So, I don't know how they estimated the required eight tons, but it turns out we have way more than we need. We did the walkway, added a nice layer over the bricks in the pond, then took trailer loads to the barn where we filled in a large damp spot inside one of the lounging sheds.

Still more to move so we put a layer in the woodshed where we park the cars.

In the end it took the two of us all day. Now all we have to do is tramp it down. The boards will help with that.

The filled pond, all ready for a fire pit.

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