Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Show success

We are home safe and sound after a long trip for both alpacas and humans. The Alpaca Ontario show was a success again this year with Oreo Ben taking the Black Male Huacaya Colour Champion for the second year in a row. Toblerone took a first in his class, Blizzard and Bacio were each awarded second place in their respective classes. Now to prepare for the Mayflower Show in PEI May 7 and then shearing day.


Queenie said...

Hey you guys, you should contact Come to Life, the Nova Scotia government promotion agency and get them to do a piece on you. They do lots of YouTube and other promotion and it's totally free. You would be a great story.

I was at a community meeting on the Eastern Shore the other night and people were talking about your farm. You are building a strong brand and Come to Life will really help. Just call them up and ask to talk to Tracy Taweel. I work for Nova Scotia government, so I will mention it to them if that's okay...

Rocaro said...

Thanks Queenie, glad to hear we are bieng noticed. I will call Tracy this week, go ahead and mention it.
