- Things accomplished included giving all the lawns their first mow of the season (also helps dandilion control).
- Did a full trim with the trimmer around all the fruit trees and other spots from the spring growth. Used a tank and half of gas.
- Caroline planted the tomatos and peppers from the sunroom to the greenhouse.
- reorganized the interior fencing for the cria pen so that we can rotate them from one week to the next.
- had three tandem loads of soil delivered improve pasture area for reseeding in cria fields
- full pasture was fertilized. (fertilizer costs have all but doubled this year from last. OUCH!)
- Finished planting the upper garden with less frost hardy vegatables
- Tilled the lower garden so it is ready for Squash and Corn plantings later this week.
- Planted some more gooseberry and blueberry bushes so in a couple of years our crops will be closer to our needs.
We also had time to enjoy our property a little bit.
- This included seeing a doe and her new born fawn move across the field from one copse to another.
- Found a baby painted turtle about 1 inch in diameter about 100 yards from the nearest water source. Probably a new born from last years egg layings. We gave it an assist to the nearest pond.
- Watch a rabbit eat our dandilion heads. He can eat as much as he wants but not the garden please. I am scared though to have him invite his friends.
- The leaves are now on coming out and the bird life in plentiful. A couple of highlights were a magnolia warbler about 4 ft from me and a purple martin (a property first) flying around with the barn swallows.
- The hummingbirds are back and put out the second feeder this weekend to ease the territorial pressures.
While there are still things that need to be done some of the early spring pressures are now complete and a more relaxed pace and continue for the summer season until harvesting time.
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