Thursday, April 23, 2009

NS Farm Investment Fund

Last night we went to a meeting on the this years Farm Investment Fund (FIF) program that is sponsored by the provincial and federal governments agriculture departments. The fund includes money for business development, training, farm health and safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency/sustainability and farm improvements that relate to these areas. Funding is everywhere from 25 to 75% of the cost to get the work or equipment done.

Last year we used the fund to help cover the costs of our protection from predator fencing, website development, and bringing water to the barn.

This year we hope to utilize some of the funding for training (internet marketing, fleece sorting course), manure handling and storage, runoff control from buildings, and a nutrient management plan.

Good news that we got last night was that new start up farms now how five years instead of three to reach the gross revenue goal of $10,000 per year.

For more information go to the following website:

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