Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New cria

I came home from work today and was greeted by Louisa & Katherina at the barn. It seems that Nikki decided to have her cria a bit early and the gir ls had to help as a leg was stuck.

This was their first experience with assisting a birth and had no one there to help them. They did a wonderful job and the cria is doing well. A little white fellow.

Pooper Scooper

We have been vacuuming the pastures this past weekend. It's hard work but we have a song to lighten the load.

We sing it to the chorus of ABBA's Super Trooper:

Pooper scooper get the motor running
Out there in the sun
Fun for everyone
Somewhere in the field there's poo

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Thank you Shearing Day Volunteers

Thank you to all our volunteers who made shearing day a success. 26 animals were sheared between 830 and 4pm with an added bonus of being able to witness the birth of our first cria for 2012.

Thank you to:

Lukas - our shearer
Paddy - Jo (the tackler)

You can also read about shearing day in an article by Bill Spurr of the Halifax Chronicle Herald


Rob and Caroline

Saturday, May 19, 2012

First cria of 2012

The first cria of the season was born today, the first for award winning Anuone. With 2 champion parents we will watch this little one closely.

She was born half way through a busy shearing day, and she needed a little help. Needless to say shearing stopped dead for a while so that everyone could take advantage of the opportunity to see an alpaca being born.

No name yet, but this year's animals will all start with the letter E.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Alpaca rug

After all the projects going on this spring I was glad to get back at weaving alpaca rugs. I had a special order for a large rug, 3 feet x 6 1/2 feet. It took a while to weave, and a while for the hand finishing. In the end it's a really beautiful piece.

Construction is with alpaca rug yarn woven on siene twine in an undulating twill point draft.

Spring cleanout

We had a big day cleaning out the barn after a long winter.  The job took effort but with extra hands it went well.

We took the loads of old hay to the back of the property where it  would be useful for mulch/compost to improve the soil. After the 4th load, Rob tells me to "drive on the left side of the road close to the lake to smooth out some of the bumps". OK I say, "but it's pretty wet still" . The response was "You'll be fine."

As I am a good and biddable wife I do as I'm told.

I have included the pictures of getting the truck unstuck from the mud.

A Man Cave for the Boys

After the tent blew down last fall we decided to build a more secure shelter for the guys in their summer pasture. The shed is the same size that the tent was, 10 x 20 and is far more secure. We added built in hay feeders with feed troughs below making it like a 5 star hotel.

We started with making sure the building would be square, and then secured it with rebar.

Next we built the walls on the ground and then stood each one up and attached it.

Next came the bracing and the roof.

Then the finishing touches.

Alpaca kindergarten

We are teaching the youngsters their manners...lead training, being handled and general good behavior.

Diablo, although cute, is a very stubborn fellow. He braces himself, leans back and looks as if to say "I'm NOT doing that!"

Dolce Vita wins the award for refusing to walk into the trailer. Even when everyone else is in the trailer, she still refuses. More work is definitely required.

More decks!

After we were warmed up with the extreme deck, the other two were realtivley easy.

Extreme deck building

We had a wonderful helper here this spring who was instrumental in some construction projects.

The first one was replacing the deck on the little cottage by the lake. The deck had fallen off after a heavy winter snowfall. This deck extends over the water and it took some creative thinking on how to rebuild the deck.

It was a cold, drizzly day, boots were full of water and many interesting words were said!