You guessed it, I have added a new accomplishment to my already long list.
We have had 2 days of solid rain, and the girls in the temporary shelter have worked the floor into a sae of mud. It's still raining today and I just couldn't leave them in a mud hole any longer.
So, Off I go first thing in the morning all by myself armed with raincoat, halters and sweet feed as a tempation and determined to move the herd to the barn.
The sweet feed works, and I have all the ladies enclosed in their shelter.
Now, the girls are not interested in being caught! Around and around we go in the enclosure, all the while churning up mud and slipping & sliding. Feed buckets are flying and I'm clamly wiping rain & mud from my face. Sort of calmly.
I manage to catch the first 5 girls and somehow manage the gates alone and lead them to the barn.
Back for group 2. Another bunch to the barn, and a few follow the group on their own. This looks promising.
Group 3 is a challenge as they want to join the rest of the herd but really don't want to be caught. I managed to get two of them and the rest escaped. Thinking they would follow the group I was not worried...but they went in the wrong direction.
With much noise and coaxing the group made it to the barn. So, the boys are on the girl's side, the girls are on the boy's side and everyone is confused.
Just as things were settling down, my dear neighbour arrived and with a laugh said "Look at you!". Soaking wet, covered with bits of mud and grass and a big smile for a job accomplished.