You can read about it all you want, but nothing really prepares you for your first shearing day.
Lessons we have learned:
You can't have too much help. 3 guys to assist the shearer, and at least 3 more for fleece work.
The skirting table and shearing table are worth it.
Have everything ready well before you start.
Wrap the fleece in white paper because there is no way you can keep up with the shearer. When you prepare the paper, when you think you have more than enough, go get a lot more. There's no such thing as too much paper.
Label every package of fleece right away. You will never remember what came from each animal, or what area it is from.
The more space for shearing the better, we were a bit tight. The sheraer recommended 10 X 20 minimum. He was right.
can spit while laying on their sides....